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Q: What number represents death in the bible?
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What is the numeric designated for perfection in the Bible?

The number seven represents perfection in the Bible.

What does the number 24 represent in the bible?

24 represents the church

What the number 9 mean in the Bible?

Numbers play a significant role in the Bible. The number "9" represents:~Completeness~Finality~Fullness

What does the number 11 represent in the bible?

The number 11 represents things that are flawed, disastrous, and out of order.

Does the number 40 in the Bible represent a demon?

No, the number 40 in the Bible does not represent a demon. It is a symbolic number that often represents a period of testing, trial, or preparation. For example, Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights in the wilderness to prepare for his ministry.

What does color red symbolize?

In the chinese culture it represents luck. In western culture it can mean love or death or fire or passion.AnswerIn The Bible, red symbolizes wartime, bloodshed.

Is there a color that represents men in the Bible?

there bible of cors

What does 333 mean in the Bible?

The Number 333 is usually represents the Holy Trinity. The divine unit of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Ghost, makes the number 3 a divine number.

Where is the number 7 completion in the Bible?

In biblical numerology the number '7' represents 'completion or perfection.' Whenever it is read, this is the associated meaning for some.

Where is the Bible passage describing temple curtains?

The bible does not describe much of anything inside the temple. There are references to the "veil", which represents death, and some inferences to the "holy of holies", which represents the dwelling place of God, but descriptions are omitted to underline the symbolic nature of the temple and the temple service.

What does the Bible symbolize in Fahrenheit 451?

In Fahrenheit 451 the Bible represents the faith of society being gone and withdrawn, the Bible represents a new beginning, a forgotten truth.