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kwashioskor is lack of what vitamins?

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Q: What nutrient is missing when you get kwashiorkor?
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What nutrient is missing?

nutrient missing in asthma

What diseases are caused by nutrient deficienies?

beriberi, kwashiorkor, pellagra, rickets, osteoporosis night blindness

What happens when a essential amino acid is missing from a diet?

It depends on the missing amino acid but since they are called essential, life processes will eventually come to a halt. Kwashiorkor is an example of one these.

What are the sources of kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor (Protein malnutrition) is not a disease that it transmitted. Kwashiorkor is caused by a lack of protein in the diet.

What happens if one nutrient is missing from a person's diet?

deficiency disease

What is protein's deficiency disease?

Protein deficiency is very dangerous and can lead to death.

How could you fight kwashiorkor?

Increase the population's protein intake to prevent kwashiorkor.

Where in the world is Kwashiorkor most common?

Kwashiorkor is most commonly found in Africa.

What nutrient is missing on goitre?

the main nutrient for goitre is the lack of movement that you do and the man symptons are that u will get lump nside your neck which only moves up and down.

Is kwashiorkor infectious?

No, Kwashiorkor is not infectious. It is a disease that results from malnutrition in less developed countries.

Kwashiorkor causes muscles to waste away and bellies to protrude What causes kwashiorkor?

Starvation (lack of protein)

How does ascaris cause kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor is a protein deficiency disease. Ascarids (a type of parasitic worm) feeds off protein, denying it to the person, who then gets Kwashiorkor. I should say that it is unlikely that ascarids would, on their own, cause Kwashiorkor. It would be in the context of other contributary factors as well.