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Q: What nutrients can be absorbed without first being digested in the human gastrointestinal tract?
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Which nutrients can be absorbed without first being digested in the human gastrointestinal tract?

The nutrients that do not need to be digested they have to be smaller than the cells of the small intestine. Some of these are sugars and amino acids.

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Is cholesterol absorbed without being digested?

Yes, cholesterol and peptides can be absorbed without being digested. Thanks

What nutrients can be absorbed in your body without undergoing digestion?

Well I don't know about nutrients but drugs that are present in smoke are absorbed without digestion while the THC in mull cookies have to be digested before there are any effects on the human body. This leads me to make the assumption that in order to absorb nutrients from your meals without having to digest it you should smoke your meals from either a bong or a rolled up joint. In order to get the most efficient amount of nutrients from the meal id suggest you should try using a bong.

2 nutrients that go directly to the bloodstream without being digested?

Alcohol and poison

Does glucose need to be digested before it is absorbed?

Glucose is a monosaccharide, so it does not need to be broken down any further. It can be absorbed without any changes.

Can triglycerides be absorbed without being digested?

No . A molecule of triglyceride is composed of a molecule of glycerol in ... Triglyceridescannot be efficiently absorbed, and are enzymatically digested by pancreatic lipase into a 2-monoglyceride and 2 Free fatty acids. All of which can be absorbed. Other lipase's hydrolyse a triglyceride into glycerol and 3 fatty acids.

What happen to material that passes through the digestive system without being digested and absorbed?

It comes out the other end.

What are the two nutrients that can be absorbed without being digested?

Vitamin D (a vitamin truly crucial to mood and sleep stability) can be gotten by direct exposure to sunlight. I do not know of another vitamin that is obtained by non-food means.

Why do some food needs to be digested?

Because the human body cannot absorb nutrients from foods, without breaking them down into smaller parts.

Can dietary fiber be absorbed in the small intestine?

No, your body cannot digest fiber. Fiber is a special type of carbohydrate that passes through the human digestive system virtually unchanged, without being broken down into nutrients.

Does water absorb into the body without needing to be digested?

No, most of the water you consume is absorbed in the large intestine, which when fails is why you have diarrhea :) x hope this helps! x