

What nutrients come from water?

Updated: 12/24/2022
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Q: What nutrients come from water?
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Water has nutrients?

There are no nutrients in water because it's a natural resource.

How are nutrients recycled in an ecosystem?

Nutrients are found in the air, water and soil. :D

Which is transport in the xylem of a plant?

The Xylem of a plant transports water and some nutrients.

Where does the energy used by plants in making food come from?

it comes from the nutrients of soil, air, water and sunlight

Do plants derive nutrients from soil or water?

it is water and air for the nutrients

Where does the energy photosynthesis come from?

The energy photosynthesis comes from the sun's light energy.

Does flavoured water have the same nutrients as normal water?

It probably has more nutrients in the flavored water.

Has vessels to carry water minerals and nutrients?

what carrys water minerals and nutrients

What carriers water and dissolved nutrients from the roots to the leaves?

water and dissolved nutrients

Why does water dont come from most food?

In most foods there is not any water because water does not have any taste although it has many needed nutrients. Sometimes water can be used to thin sauses.

How Transports water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves?

It is the Xylem tissue that transports water and nutrients.

Why must roots be wet to function properly?

Roots need to be wet in order to function properly because water is essential for the absorption of nutrients. When roots come into contact with moisture, they are able to take up water along with dissolved nutrients through their root hairs. The water also helps to maintain turgor pressure, which gives the roots the necessary rigidity to anchor the plant in the soil.