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fats or lipids fats or lipids

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Q: What nutrients dies bile help digest?
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What does bile digest?

Bile does NOT digest fats. It is NOT an enzyme, therefore, it cannot break down lipid molecules into smaller nutrients. What bile does is it HELPS enzyms to digest fats by emulsifying the fat molecules. This means the surface area is increased, thus enuring a more efficient and quicker digestion of the lipid molecules. This process takes place at the top of the small intestine, in the duodenum, as this is where bile is secreted from the gallbladder, through the bile duct and onto the food.

Which nutrients help digest food?


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Storage sac that holds the bile that is produced in the liver?

The gallbladder produces and stores bile. It releases bile to help digest food.

Why is the gallbladder important to us?

It produced the bile to help digest greasy and spicy foods.

Does the gallbladder temporarily store bile?

Yes, the liver makes the bile, then it is stored in the gall bladder until after a meal, then it is used to help you digest your food.

Bile salts are responsible for the digestion and absorption of?

Bile is produced in the liver and helps to digest fat in the human body. Once produced, bile is stored in the gallbladder and is discharged into the duodenum when a person eats.

How does the digestive system help you use the nutrients in food?

digest the food

What is a bile bitter yellowish liquid that is produced by the body to help digest food In which organs is it found in?

The Gall Bladder

Which organs help digest fats?

The liver secretes bile which helps in fat absorption.

Why are muscles essential to life?

They help you swallow and digest food... If you didn't digest food, you can't get the nutrients that are vital to life

Organ that uses bile to help us digest oils?

The gallbladder is the organ that helps people to digest fats and oils. The liver makes bile, which is then stored in the gallbladder until it's needed for the digestion of fats. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ.