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Q: What nutrients help prevent hunger?
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How did the french revolution help prevent hunger?

It did not

What are the health benefits of lemonade?

It can help prevent rickets, gives you nutrients from the fruit and is enjoyable.

Why is illteracy a cause of hunger?

lack of nutrients

What are the advantages of adventitious roots?

-> They provide food for animals. -> They store nutrients. -> They prevent soil from washing away. -> They pull nutrients from the soil. -> They help a plant climb along a surface.

Can eating healthy prevent skin damage?

yes it can because eating the correct nutrients can help keep the skin moist and this will prevent dry skin that can crack and get infected.

Is Hunger is the body's way of telling you that it is in need of essential nutrients?


Which is a feeling of physical discomfort caused by body's need for nutrients?

Hunger is the body's perceptual response to undernourishment (the need for nutrients).

Why are streams significant places?

They help prevent flooding and they help complete the life cycle for many invertebrates they provide natural drainage for the landscape and distributing nutrients to downstream

How can you soothe or prevent hunger pains?

drink water

What is one way farmers can prevent the loss of many nutrients from the soil?

croprotation is one way farmers can prevent the loss of nutrients

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How do you prevent world hunger?

Stop throwing away and waisting..