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Q: What nutrients take longer to digest and absorb fats proteins or sugars?
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Why do herbivore have longer small intestine than carnivores?

because the nutrients in plants take longer to absorb.

Why is the small intestine long?

Because it takes time to absorb food.

What foods stay in your body the longest?

Foods high in fat and protein tend to stay in the body longer, as they take longer to digest. Examples include red meat, nuts, and whole milk products. Foods high in fiber also stay in the body longer because they are more difficult to digest.

Why does hair absorb oil?

Hair is made of proteins, mostly keratin. The cells are no longer vascular, but the outside of the hair shaft is porous, and can absorb water and oil.

What makes the stems and roots longer?

it's just natural to grow. to maximize their chances to absorb more nutrients from the ground.

How are parasitic flukes able to live when they no longer posses a well developed digestive system?

Parasitic flatowms typically live in the digestive system. Surrounded by pre-digested nutrients, they can easily absorb basic nutrients that they need to maintain homeostasis. In other words, they are borrowing the host's digestive system.

How long does pork stay in the human body?

It takes the human body about two hours to fully digest turkey and other poultry. Darker meats, like beef and pork, take longer to digest because of of their higher fat density.

Why does alcohol Make A Difference If You Are Hungry?

If you drink on a empty stomach your body will absorb the alcohol faster. It is not being absorbed by the food in your digestive system that would take longer to digest.

Why are the human intestines so long?

The length of digestive tract is necessary to absorb as much nutrients as possible. In carnivores, the digestive tract is shorter because their diet is comprised mostly of meat. Herbivores such as cows, while also containing multiple stomaches, have a relatively longer digestive tract because their diet is mostly comprised of plant, which may take more time to digest due to the cellulose.

What organelles of the cells in the mouth aid in digestion?

The cell contains ribosomes which produce proteins, and the nucleus contains DNA which codes for proteins. They can work together to produce particular proteins called enzymes which are used to digest food. Each cell also contains lysosomes which digest any microorganisms within the body. Lysosomes also destroy old organelles in the cell which are no longer needed.

Which takes longer to digest sugar or beans?

beans take longer time to get digested as they are proteins and complex carbohydrate while sugars is already refined and processed beand also has fibre and fibre takes long hours to get digested.

How do flatwroms digest food?

Flatworms don't digest their food as they don't have digestive tracts. Evolutionarily, they don't need to digest food as they absorb it already digested from their hosts. They evolved to be parasites and are physiologically dependant on their hosts, and what they gain from this is that they no longer have to expend energy to digesting their own food, but can instead use that energy to produce thousands of eggs so as to infect others.