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vitamin D Include food rich in calcium and protein in your diet. Milk, eggs, sesame seeds, figs,peanuts, almonds, chick peas, greens, sprouts are all rich in calcium.

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Q: What nutrients to nails need?
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Related questions

Can your diet affect nail growth?

Your diet can affect your nail growth because if you do not eat enough of the good food with the right nutrients and vitamins, your nails will not be given the right vitamins and nutrients they need.

What is the process to make nails?

The process to make finger nails is very simple. The body converts nutrients and vitamins into the nail that grows.

What causes eggshell nails?

Eggshell nails are caused by a deficiency of essential vitamins and nutrients in the nails matrix. Vitamin supplements and proper nutrition will help the nail to grow healthier.

Why do you need your nails?

i think you need your nails so that no bugs or bacteria will grow on it and so if you is going on a date and you want your nails done

Are cheetahs nails claws or nails?

Claws becuz they need claws to get there food not nails

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What nutrients does an Eosinophil need??

Why do you need nutrients?

You need nutrients to build up your immune system.

Does teenagers need nutrients?

All need nutrients including teenagers...

If nails break do you need vitamin c?

If nails are weak, supplement with biotin.

Where do you get nails in the sims 2 castaway?

I don't see why you would need nails...? You can use the vines as rope which will be as usefull as if you had nails.

Eating disorder causes yellow toe nails?

Yes, they can. People who suffer from eating disorders tend to lack vital and essentail nutrients in their diet from lack of eating properly. These missing nutrients cannot help keep nails healthy, so they can discolor, become brittle, or fall out.

What size nails do you need for quarter round?

1.5 or 2 inch finish nails