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A photomultiplier.

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Q: What object do you use to measure light under a tree?
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What instrument would you use to measure the amount of light under a tree?

The answer is...The Internet

For what purpose clinometer is used?

a clinometer is used to measure the height of an object such as a tree

How do you find the prepositional phrase in a sentence?

First, you find the preposition, then you find the object of the preposition. Example:The dog sat under the tree. [under is the preposition, and tree is the object of the preposition, so the whole prepositional phrase is "under the tree"]The object of the preposition is a noun or pronoun that follows a preposition and completes its meaningFor more help, try the following website link below.

What happens to your shadow if you stand in the lights of a tree's shadow?

A tree's shadow does not have light. Anytime you are in the shadow of another object your body has no shadow of its own.

Why does a tree in the path of sunlight create a shadow instead of the light spreading around?

The tree (and any other solid object) blocks the path of the sunlight, because sunlight can not pass through, or go around an object(unless the object is trnsparent.

What is the different between a mango tree and a bamboo tree?

Bamboo is not a tree, it is a grass.

Why does a shadow form behind an opaque object?

Light from the sun (or any other source) travels in particles, which strike objects and are often partially absorbed. A shadow forms behind a tree because when the particles hit the tree, they are absorbed and reflected, so that everything on the other side of the tree, where the light would have gone, receives no light. However, some light will bounce off of other objects and go behind the tree in the other particles' place. Since this other light will already have been partially absorbed, it will be more dim than direct light. Because of this, we are able to see in the shadow, but since the light there is not as strong, it is darker. This darker region behind the tree, is the shadow.

Is it bad luck to sit under the shade of chinaberry tree?

The superstitions are taught to us for our safety/precautionary measure.

What is a hyperbole tree sentence?

[object Object]

Why are circular patches of light seen under a tree during day time?

Sunlight shining through the canopy of a tree can cause a dappled effect of sunlight and shadow beneath the tree.

Will a tree push out a foreign object that it has grown around?

yes, as it grows the tree and its roots will move the object.

Which should you measure a tree?

You can measure a tree with a few things. If I were you the easiest thing would be a ruler.