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Q: What objective do you use to see more detail on a microscope?
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What is the function of the higher power objective on a microscope?

To increase the magnification of the specimen so you can see more detail.

What is the function of the high power objective on a microscope?

The high power objective on a microscope increases the magnification of the specimen, which allows you to see more detail. It allows you to see a close up of only a small area of the specimen being viewed.

Why use a 1500X lens on a microscope?

so you can see things in more detail

What are the differences you have observed between using the microscope and using your eyes?

you can see more detail when u look thru a microscope

In microbiology what is the most commonly used objective on a microscope?

In microbiology, the most commonly used objective on a microscope is 100x. This is because this is the closest yet detailed magnification where you can see a specimen. Higher magnifications lead to a closer look but less detail.

When looking through a microscope what power are you on when the object is smaller but you are able to see more detail?

high power

Which microscope is used to see intracellular detail in a living cell?

two-photo microscope

What is a detection beam on a microscope?

A detection beam on a microscope is a beam of high energy light. The beam allows individuals to see clearly and in more detail the substance or object under the microscope.

What does the cell nucleus look like under medium power objective of the microscope?

When looking at aÊmedium power microscope, the cell nucleus looks like a black spot or a darker oval in the cell. Using a high power will let you see a little more detail such as areas of light and dark chromatin.

Can you see more cell things with a low powered microscope or a high powered microscope?

The size of the cell remains the same no matter what power objective is used. However, the magnification changes between these two objective lenses, with the low power objective magnifying it less than the high power objective.

What microscope would you need to see the details inside a bacterium?

through a coupound microscope at a high objective

How does a microscope let you see small objects?

It magnifies the specimen by a certain degree to make it appear larger and let you see more detail which were not visible to the naked eye. It is done with the help of lenses which are aided in microscope