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It was observed that the light from all objects in space was redshifted, meaning all objects are moving away from us. Light from objects further away was further redshifted. This would only happen in an expanding universe.

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That observed galaxies were moving away from us at speed and the further the observed galaxy was from us the faster it was moving away from us. All based on Doppler wave red shift/blue shift observations and in this case red shift is observed.

Not to mention the background radiation readings.

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Big Bang Cosmology (BBC) -- originally called "primeval atom" -- was first developed by Jesuit priest George LeMaitre after he noted that the equations of General Relativity allow our Universe to be expanding or contracting, but do not allow it to be eternally steady. When Edwin Hubble showed that our Universe was, indeed, expanding; BBC became one of two major hypotheses for our Universe -- Steady State being the other. When the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was discovered, and found to be almost exactly as predicted by BBC, that theory became the dominant paradigm in cosmology.

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Edwin Hubble.

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Q: What observation led to big bang theory?
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The big bang theory was created Georges Lemaître and further elaborated on by Stephen Hawking(the guy in the wheelchair who wrote "A Brief History Of Time") as a response to the question of how life came into being. Admitedley, both were led to the theory because the idea of an actual creator was unthinkable. The idea of a big bang has different actual theories incorporated into what is generaly called "the big bang theory". This is because scientists who truly(scientifically) break down the actual theory piece by piece find too many discrepencies and unscientific conclusions. One scientist will find that the theory states that matter was spinning at an enormous rate of speed and then exploded, and that is why all the bodies in space are spinning. The problem with this is very obvious to anyone who understands a very simple law of physics called the conservation of angular momentum(google: conservation of angular momentum) which simply states that if one mass is rotating in a certain direction, anything that is thrown off of it will also rotate in the same direction. The very obvious reality is that the planets, moons, solar systems, and even galaxies are NOT all rotating in the same direction. So here is where the theory gets changed. A new theory has to be developed to support this misnomer. This is how science is supposed to work. Unfortunately, the school textbooks still teach that our origin came from a tiny dot spinning at an incredible rate of speed. If you really delve into this theory, you will find more examples like this-all ignored and taught as fact for the simple reason that the idea of an actual creator or designer is "unthinkable". The big bang theory is not science. It is a religious statement of origins. Pure conjecture. The only thing holding it up is popular opinion being supported by more popular opinion. There is no proof in any form other than conjecture and yet we are told that the theory is in all reality A FACT. We are all free to believe whatever we want to believe about origins, but why is my government using my money to teach lies to my children?

What was the very first thing the big bang created?

Read the Wikipedia article about "Big Bang" for more details. The general idea is that all the matter and energy that is currently in the Universe was concentrated in a very small space, smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus. This matter was extremely dense,and extremely hot. From there, it started expanding. Eventually, matter cooled down sufficiently to form protons and neutrons, later some light atomic nuclei, etc.Read the Wikipedia article about "Big Bang" for more details. The general idea is that all the matter and energy that is currently in the Universe was concentrated in a very small space, smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus. This matter was extremely dense,and extremely hot. From there, it started expanding. Eventually, matter cooled down sufficiently to form protons and neutrons, later some light atomic nuclei, etc.Read the Wikipedia article about "Big Bang" for more details. The general idea is that all the matter and energy that is currently in the Universe was concentrated in a very small space, smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus. This matter was extremely dense,and extremely hot. From there, it started expanding. Eventually, matter cooled down sufficiently to form protons and neutrons, later some light atomic nuclei, etc.Read the Wikipedia article about "Big Bang" for more details. The general idea is that all the matter and energy that is currently in the Universe was concentrated in a very small space, smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus. This matter was extremely dense,and extremely hot. From there, it started expanding. Eventually, matter cooled down sufficiently to form protons and neutrons, later some light atomic nuclei, etc.

How do you prove the big bang theory wrong?

The Curvature of space indicated by the distributions of galaxies with distance. If galaxies seem to increase somewhat more slowly than the cube of distance, then this indicates positive curvature and finiteness of space. If space is finite , the Big Bang is bogus. The error of the Big Bang is the mis-interpretation of the redshift! At present, there has never been any measured curvature of space. It is mathematically flat -- and infinite -- to within 0.5% of perfect flatness. The Big Bang Hypothesis predicted the existence of isotropic microwave radiation whose wavelength distribution would be that of a black-body at temperature 3 degrees Kelvin (3K). When such radiation was found, PERFECTLY in accordance with the prediction of the Big Bang, it went from a hypothesis to a theory, just like plate tectonics. Red shift can be equally well explained either by the Big Bang or the Steady State hypotheses. No matter how badly the red-shift might be interpreted, the existence of the CMBR can ONLY be explained by the Big Bang.

Is it true that during the late 1800s strict immigration laws led to a shortage of workes in big city factories?

No. Factories were crowded and unclean at that time.

The place where Indians defeated over 250 US soldiers led by George Custer was?

The valley of the Little Bighorn River, in Montana.

Related questions

What created the buildup of energy that led to the big bang?

The Best of Big Bang

Why the cosmic background radiation was an important discovery?

It verifies the Big Bang Theory. The discovery of the cosmic background didn't verify anything, least of all the Big Bang Theory, which was proposed decades later. The discovery of the cosmic microwave background was important because it was not predicted, it was not expected, it verified nothing, it could not be explained, and it therefore touched off new directions of thought and research in Physics, Cosmology, and Astronomy. Those in turn led to new discoveries, new answers, new theories, and new questions. One set of these, arising from the discovery of the CMB and other things, is the Big Bang Theory.

What observation led jean senebier to develop his theory?

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The discovery that the universe appears to be expanding led to a widely accepted theory called?

Edwin Hubble was one of the scientists who realized that the red-shifted light from far-away galaxies indicated that the universe is expanding.

Where is there any evidence credited to the Big Bang Theory?

Penzias and Wilson were awarded a Noble Prize for discovering the cosmic background radiation, the left-over 'glow' of the universe from the Big Bang Theory. This is a very weak microwave radiation. In the early part of the last century, Edwin Hubble discovered the expansion of the universe. Discussions and speculation of many scientists on the topic of expansion, (Is it expanding? What is it expanding away from? What is it expanding into? How long has this expansion been going on? What caused the expansion? and more) led to the development of the Big Bang Theory. Steven Hawking (sp?) has been investigating this kind of question for 40 years or so.

More distant galaxies have greater red shifts what does that indcate about the universe?

That they are moving away from us. Edwin Hubble discovered that the farther away they are the faster they move away from us. This led to the realization that the Universe is expanding, and so to Big Bang theory.

What were conditions shortly after the Big Bang?

As one who believes in creation and not the big bang theory, I can tell you that the earth was a beautiful place. The garden of Eden was filled with all the plants and animals that could be imagined. It was a beautiful place where God walked daily. It was perfect. It was perfect until Satan stepped in and caused Adam and Eve to sin. Once that happened, man started thinking that he was very intelligent which led to man eventually thinking he was so smart that he could figure out everything. Man then thought up the theory about the big bang. Silly man. Since the big bang didn't happen, it is impossible to describe non-existent conditions. Interestingly, it is not just Christian believers who are now criticizing the big bang. Scientists who are not Christian are also seeing the increasing evidence from science which contradicts it. It is difficult to conceive of a greater waste of money, when millions of people are starving and oppressed, for people to try to test a theory which cannot in any way be proven and which has so much contrary evidence.

What is a sentence using the word theory?

Our experiment will help to prove or disprove the theory.The Big Bang theory remains the most likely scenario which led to the existence of the universe.He wrote about his theory in the scientific journal.

What theory did Galileo's overturn?

He showed that the geo-centric view of our solar system did not match observation, but that the helio-centric view did. More fundamentally, Galileo Galilei led the way to a view that observation should take precedence over philosophy when determining truth about our world.

What is right about the big bang theory?

First, let's set some expectations. The Big Bang Theory is a theory of how the Universe came to be what it is today, given the observational fact that, except for some local gravitational binding, all of the galaxies in the Universe are traveling away from each other at a speed proportional to the separation distance. In particular, the Big Bang Theory is not, to paraphrase Alan Guth, a theory of what banged, how it banged, or what caused it to bang. The galaxies are moving apart; therefore, at an earlier time, they were closer together. If you go back far enough in time, all of the galaxies were collected together in the same place. Taken to the logical conclusion, at some point in the past all of the matter in the Universe was condensed to a single superdense point. Now, starting from that point, how did the Universe get to be what it is today? It is apparently obvious that this superdense point of matter expanded, and that expansion is still continuing. The smoking-gun confirmation of this initial superdense (and superhot) state is the existence of the cosmic microwave background radiation. It turned out that this model of simple, direct expansion from a point was inadequate to explain certain observations. Some years ago, Alan Guth showed that it was likely that the Universe had undergone a short period of superfast expansion now called "inflation". During this short interval, the Universe expanded far faster than the speed of light. It was subsequently realized that inflation solved some of the then-existing observational difficulties (see the "horizon problem" and the "flatness problem"). Examination of the properties of the cosmic background radiation, and subsequent attempts to model the formation of galaxies in the very early Universe, led to the realization that it took too long to form structures out of the hot, uniform gas implied by the background radiation. Dark matter provides the additional gravitational attraction necessary to begin building galaxies. Thus, the Big Bang essentially requires dark matter, which was originally postulated as the solution to observational problems that had nothing to do with the Big Bang. So, what's "right" about the Big Bang Theory is that it fits observations of the large-scale structure and early development of the Universe. Any theory that might come along with intent to replace it must explain the structure and early history of the Universe better than the Big Bang Theory currently does.

Whose ideas led to the atomic theory of matter?

The idea that led to the atomic theory of matter, was John Dalton.

What theory led to the plate tectonic theory?

James Hanslow