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Q: What occupations were Jews banned from?
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Why was it hard for the Jews to support their families during the holocaust?

At that time, Jews in Germany and in countries under German occupation were banned from most occupations. They were not allowed to make a living.

What major occupations did the Jews adopt when they left Palestine in 65 bc?

Jews did not leave Palestine in 65 BCE. They were forcibly exiled over a century later in 70 CE.When they were exiled, they took on an incredible number of occupations. In most European countries, they were banned from a number of those occupations (especially artisanry). This resulted in European Jews primarily becoming lawyers, bankers, and doctors, since these were the professions not barred to them. However, in countries like Yemen where these prohibitions never occurred, Jews were dominant in jewelry creation.

What were Jews banned from?

There were many things that the Jews were banned from. But I am only going to name 4 things that Jews are banned from on the Sabbath. 1. Banned from riding in a car. 2. Banned from the movie theaters. 3. Banned from riding a bike. 4. Banned from going to a Dutch school.

Who was banned from towns in the plague of 1340?

Jews were banned, as they were blamed for the Plague.

How did the Nazis make Jews unwelcome?

Jew were, among other things: * Banned from employment in the public sector (1933). * Banned from a growing range of occupations (1933 onwards). * Banned from writing for the media (1933). * Classified as second class citizens (Nuremberg Laws, 1935) * Expelled from higher education (1933 and 1938). * Subjected to a barrage of anti-Jewish propaganda which blamed them for all of Germany's misfortunes ... * Some Jews were beaten up in the street by Nazi Stormtroopers, while the police simply looked on: Jews were in effect denied protection normally given by the law (1933).

Are uncircumcised Jews banned from entering a synagogue?

No, but they are banned from being full-fledged members of the Jewish community.

Who banned the Jews from England and when?

King Edward I in 1290. No reason is recorded.

What happened after the second revolt against the Romans?

Jews Were Banned From Jerusalem

In what century Jews have been banned from Britain?

Jews were expelled from England in 1290 and were only allowed to return in the early 1600s.

What did the German government requre of Jews in German society?

They required them to leave. Jews were banned from many places and eventually deported.

What happened after the Jews rebelled against the Romans in 132 C.E.?

After the Bar Kokhba revolt, Hadrian persecuted the Jews of Judea viciously, outlawed the practicing or teaching of Torah, and also killed a number of the greatest Torah-sages. Nonetheless, the Jews remained a majority of Judea's (Palestine's) population, well into the 4th century.

Where does the term ghetto come from?

From the area of Venice where the Jews lived. Jews were, in many mediaeval cities, confined to a certain area and also restricted in what occupations they could engage in.