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Q: What occurred after the radicals took control of the assembly?
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What accurred after the radicals took control of the assembly?

After the radicals took control of the assembly, they called for a new legislative body called the National Convention.

What happened to the king and queen when radicals took control of the assembly?

Served sentences of life imprisonment

When radicals took control of he legislative assembly in the fall of 1792 they extended voting rights to?

All male citizens.

What violence took place between radicals and police during 1920s?

Palmer Raids. This was an attempt by the U.S. Department of Justice to apprehend and deport radical leftists, particularly anarchists, from the US. The raids and arrests occurred under the control of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer.

What violence took place between radicals and police during the 1920?

Palmer Raids. This was an attempt by the U.S. Department of Justice to apprehend and deport radical leftists, particularly anarchists, from the US. The raids and arrests occurred under the control of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer.

What changes occurred in Latin America after the Spanish took control?

I don't think anyone cares

What did the Jacobins do when they took over control of the assembly?

They got rid of their enemies by naming them Traitors to the Revolution.

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The National Assembly seized and held the lands of the church.

What government took control of Russia during the February 1917 Revolution?

The "Provisional Government" took control of Russia after the February Revolution. It was supposed to be temporary until a democratically elected Constituent Assembly could be elected and then create a constitutional form of government.

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Spanish took control of the Inca empire

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