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Q: What occurs during interphase to the genetic material of eukaryotic cells?
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During which phase of mitosis does the genetic material replicate?

I hope by genetic code you mean DNA, and that's what I'm basing this question off of. Actually the DNA doesn't duplicate in mitosis; it duplicates in interphase, specifically synthase (S Phase).

Where and in what form is eukarotic DNA found?

In eukaryotic organisms, genetic material in the form on DNA (which in turn are in the form of chromatin during interphase) is stored in the nucleus of the cell.

Genetic material found in the nucleus during interphase?


During what stage can animal cells actively replicate their genetic material?

Interphase == == == ==

What helps divide genetic material during cell division?


What is the structure of a cell during interphase?

The nucleus is intact and the genetic material has the appearance of chromatin.

Animal cells actively replicate their genetic material during?

When the cell is splitting in two. Here is the order: the cell grows to twice its size, makes a copy of its genetic material, slices itself in the middle, and finally splits into two equal cells.

What is the name of the period between one mitosis and the next?

Interphase, which is further made up of G1 (G:Gap), S (S:Synthesis), G2, and sometimes G0 phases.

Would you see chromosomes durin the synthesis phase of the cell cycle?

Synthesis occurs during Interphase. During Interphase, the genetic material is present as chromatin, a loosely bundled coil in the nucleus. The chromatin does not condense into chromosomes until Prophase. Thus, you would not see chromosomes during synthesis.

Animal cells actively replicate material during?


What type of material is exchanged during crossing over?

genetic material

A period between two mitotic or meiotic divisions during which the cell grows copies its DNA and synthesizes proteins?

G1phase phase is the period during the life of a cell between the end of mitosis and the synthesis of more genetic material.