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Evaporation, condensation, and precipitation occur for an underground store of water to recharge. The natural water must percolate through the ground.

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Q: What occurs for an underground store of water to recharge?
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What is a place where groundwater flows to the surface?

Places where groundwater flows to the surface are called springs.

How can an aquifer be recharged naturally after a drought?

Natural aquifer recharge occurs after it rains or after snow melts. It's also possible for rivers and lakes to aid in this process.

Where does tundra wetland get their water?

Tundra gets water from when it rains out and from the water that they store underground.

Why are recharge zones environmentally sensitive?

Aquifers are essentially lakes of water underground (sometimes pooled or sometimes in a matrix like limestone). They are finite, meaning they contain only a certain volume of water. A recharge zone allows new water to enter the aquifer. Without such a zone, an aquifer can eventually run dry if the volume of water being removed exceeds that of the volume being replaced.

How does leaching happen?

Leaching occurs when water seeps into the ground. This process dissolves chemicals and carries them into the water supply underground.

What forms where the water table intersects with the ground surface?

well's occurs when the water underground meets the surface

What is geyser and when does it occur?

The geyser occurs when pressure builds up underground and forces a blast of steam and water

What can you do to recharge the water cycle?

You can not really recharge the water cycle, it is an ongoing natural process.

What is recharge water?

artificial aquifer recharge is the enchance ment of natural ground water

Why do we say 'groundwater' not 'underground water' although both carry the same meaning?

They do not mean the same thing. Ground water occurs naturally beneath the Earth's surface, between the saturated soil and the rock. Underground water may be ground water, or it may be in man-made pipes laid underground.

How are aquifers replenishd?

Aquifers are replenished through a process called recharge, where water from precipitation, rivers, or lakes infiltrates the ground and enters the underground reservoir. This water slowly percolates through the soil and rock layers to refill the aquifer. The rate of recharge depends on factors such as land use, climate, and geology.