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Usually you get VIOLENT earthquakes on a Conservative Boundary. (No Volcanoes)

An example of one of these boundaries is the San Andreas Fault, California, USA.

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Q: What occurs when 2 plates move past each other in opposite derections r?
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What happens when two plates pull away from each other in opposite directions?

When any fault occurs or tectonic plates pull away from each other under the ground. An earthquake happens.

What happens when two plates pass each other in opposite directions?

Normally when two plates pass each other they create earthquakes and faults. When two plates pass each other the type of boundary the have is called a Transform Boundary.

What happens to lithospheric plates when an earthquake occurs?

Lithospheric plates, which also are called tectonic plates, move towards or away from each other when an earthquake occurs.

Which type of plates slide past each other in opposite directions?

A Transform boundary consists of plates that slide past each other in opposite directions. The earth is made of lots of different sliding plates.

A transform fault boundary occurs where two plates what?

Transform fault boundaries happen at the site where two tectonic plates move past each other in opposite directions. The two plates will grind past each other, breaking off pieces of crust from the plates. The plates can get caught on each other and pressure will build up until a break develops and the plates will lurch forward.

When did the earthquakes occurs?

When tintanic plates obstruct with each other

What is one thing that occurs when plates move to each other?


What happens when plates collide but no subduction occurs?

they hug each other

What happen when plates slide past each other?

An Earthquake occurs.

What occurs when two plates collide and one of the plates dips below the other?

It is called subduction. When subduction occurs one plate slips beneath the other and sinks into the Earth's mantle and creates a trench.

Which type of earthquake is the result of the release of pressure from when two plates slide past each other in opposing directions?

When two plates slide past each other in opposing directions, an interplate earthquake occurs. It occurs at the boundary between two tectonic plates.

What is one thing that occurs when plates move next to each other?
