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Q: What occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size?
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What kind of growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to get a set size?

The determinate growth is what occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size.

What kind of growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size?

Determinate growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size.

What kind growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to set a size?

Determinate growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size.

What kind of growth leaves when leaves and flowers grow to a set size?

Determinate growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size.

What kind of growth occurs when leaves and flowers to a set size?

Determinate growth occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size.

What kind of growth occurs when leaves and flower grow to set size?

The kind of growth that occurs when leaves and flowers grow to a set size is hormone growth. It also determines the formation of leaves, stems, flowers, the development and the shedding of leaves.

What size can giant water lily leaves grow to?

They can grow to 4-5m across.

What does coltsfoot leaves look like?

Coltsfoot leaves resemble, well, a colt's foot. The size of the plant and the color of its flowers are both similar to a dandelion. The best factor I know of identifying coltsfoot is that, unlike dandelions, the flowers appear long before the leaves.

What is the leaf size of Scotch Broom?

Small is the size of Scotch Broom leaves.Specifically, leaves of the Scotch Broom shrub (Cytisus scoparius) can range from 5-15 millimeters (0.197-0.59 inches) in size. They grow in trifolate (three-leafed) shapes. They will be joined by spring- and summer-time-blooming golden yellow flowers.

What is the Bog Torch Orchid's mature size?

One to three (1-3) feet (30.48 - 91.44 centimeters) is the mature size of the Bog Torch Orchid (Habenaria nivea).Specifically, the orchid has a tall, slender, blue-green stem. There is quite an expanse of stem between the flower cluster at the top and the leaves at the base. The flowers are delicate, and the leaves are narrow and grow around the plant base.

What is the Frog Spear Orchid's mature size?

One to three (1-3) feet (30.48 - 91.44 centimeters) is the mature size of the Frog Spear Orchid (Habenaria nivea).Specifically, the orchid has a tall, slender, blue-green stem. There is quite an expanse of stem between the flower cluster at the top and the leaves at the base. The flowers are delicate, and the leaves are narrow and grow around the plant base.

How does the apical meristems of wheat plant protect them from grazing animals?

Wheat is a monocotyledon, and as such does not have apical meristems (except in fruiting bodies). The leaves grow from the base so grazers do not remove the growing region when browsing. Often many types of plant develop full size flowers on miniature stalks which grow rapidly overnight - have you ever noticed dandelions appear overnight? - The flowers are formed in the axils of the leaves (base of leaf stem junction), the the flower stalk grows raidly (15cm in 3 hours) to raise the flower head above surrounding vegetation for pollination.