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Q: What ocean does a lemon shark shark live in?
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Were do lemon shark live?

lemon sharks live in the ocean near the reefs well it was only a made up fiction of the lemon shark but now it is true.

What eats the lemon shark?

LEMON SHARK LIVE near and around the carribean they can die from harsh (cold) tempatures so they live in warm/hot regions (the Carribean)

Where does a shark in the ocean live?

Atlantic ocean

Where does the shark live?

The ocean.

What about shark?

shark is predators animal and live in ocean

What are some habitats of the Lemon Shark?

they live in shallowwater.

What eats sharks and live in the ocean?

goblin shark,great white shark,tiger shark,cookie-cutter shark,and the whale shark

Can shark live in an ocean?


What ocean does a nurse shark live in?

pacific ocean and atlantic ocean

Does the whale shark live in the ocean?

in the south Pacific Ocean.

Where does the whale shark live in the ocean?

in the south pacific ocean.

What shark can fly?

of course, that's how they live in the ocean