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No, it's big, but it is the Pacific that is huge !

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Q: What ocean is about half the size of the Pacific?
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Which ocean is larger Pacific Ocean or Atlantic Ocean?

The Pacific Ocean

Which ocean covers nearly half the earths surface?

The Pacific Ocean contains about half of the world's ocean water.

The the Arctic Ocean is bigger than the Pacific Ocean?

Yes the pacific ocean is bigger than the Arctic ocean the size of the pacific ocean is 155,557,000 square kilometers and the size of the Arctic ocean is 14,056,00 square kilometers! hope it helps!

Which ocean cover almost half the globe?

The Pacific Ocean.

Is the Atlantic Ocean the largest ocean?

No, it is not. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean. The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean (with barely half the area of the Pacific Ocean).

Which is larger Asia or the pacific ocean?

The size of Asia is 44.5 million square kilometers while the size of the Pacific Ocean is 169.2 million square kilometers. Pacific Ocean is 3.7 times bigger than Asia.

In what ocean is approximately half of the worlds ocean water found?

The Pacific holds half of the worlds ocean water.

Is the pacific ocean same size as the Atlantic ocean?

The Pacific Ocean is the world's largest, in area. It is much larger than the Atlantic Ocean.

The pacific is 3 times the size of what ocean?

The Pacific Ocean would be approaching 3 times the size of the Indian Oean, but not quite. The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean in the world at 155,557,000 sq km. The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world at 68,556,000 sq km.

What oceans surrounds the western half of Australia?

The Indian ocean surrounds the western half of Australia, whereas the eastern side is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean.

Which explorer helped determine the size of the Pacific Ocean?

Ferdinand Magellan named the Pacific Ocean

In size which ocean is twice as large as the Atlantic?

The Pacific Ocean is twice as large as the Atlantic Ocean.