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Q: What of the following best describes Anglo-Texans' response to Mexican laws The settlers?
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What is an example of how of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokee changed following contact with settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the cultural of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of Cherokee changed the following contact with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contacts with white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contacts with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with the white settlers?

An example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers was that they adopted the settlers' new ways of farming and encouraged literacy.

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What is an example of how the culture of the Cherokee changed following contact with white settlers?

They became Christians

Who moved in the Oregon country?

groups of settlers who were following the manifest destiny.