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Q: What of the following is NOT a result of Phillip II's anti-Protestant policies He believed in his divine right to rule as an absolute monarch. He married Mary Tudor the queen of England. He instituted?
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Philip II's anti-protestant policies did not lead to which of the following?

He believed in his divine right to rule as an absolute monarch -NovaNet

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Absolute monarchy

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he believed in centralized power

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William II

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That he existed.

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absolute rule

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Thomas Hobbes a theologian who believed in absolute monarchy, that the monarch should have absolute authority, otherwise human nature will cause chaos and a lack of security or government. Charles XIV also believed in absolute Monarchy, since it was his goal to be an absolute Monarch.

James II was the Protestant English king who believed in absolute rule?

its true.

To whom did absolute monarchs have to answer?

Only to God. They believed they ruled by Divine Right.

What bad things did john Locke do?

about nothing, he was a good man, believed that men were able to govern themselves, and believed in an absolute democracy.

How was James approach to the English monarchy different from that of William of orange?

James I believed he had absolute power, while William of Orange agreed to restrictions on his power.

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