

What old world remedy has been tested for migraines?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What old world remedy has been tested for migraines?
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Is there a link between migraines and a person's diet?

There are several food that have been associated to having triggered migraines. People who eat more meat and cheese tend to suffer more from migraines. Nuts, caffine, and chocolate also seem to add to migraines.

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I have been has been diagnosed with stomach migraines what are they?

Stomach migraines (also called abdominal migraines) are a type of migraine where the key feature of the migraine is nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, rather than the key feature being head pain. Abdominal migraines are a common migraine variant pre-puberty. Many children who have abdominal migraines in their youth begin to have common or classic migraines as they reach young adulthood. Abdominal migraines are treated with the same types of medication used to treat other types of migraine headache, although when the patient is under 18 years of age, there are limits as what to doctors will prescribe.

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No, it is not dangerous. Placing rubbing alcohol inside the ear has been a tested remedy for removing water in the ear after swimming. Hydrogen peroxide works better at cleaning out the ear.

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There have been studies proving a linkage between blood clots and migraines. The veins develop blood clots during the migraines. This can easily explain why migraine sufferers are more prone to having heart attacks and strokes more than the normal individual without migraines.

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It ia not good to eat vegatables that havent been tested so if i were you i wouldn't them if they havent been tested

Can vitamins help with migraines?

Yes, vitamins have been known to help with migraines. I would suggest making sure you consume enough Magnesium, Calcium, B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 (Pyridoxine).

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FIRST AND ABOVE ALL VIGORMAX IS NOT PRESCRIBED! Vigormax is an over the counter herbal remedy that has not been tested nor proven to do anything other than empty your wallet. Some herbal remedies do help with erections.