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Q: What one does not belong in the grouping proprioceptors rods cones photorecptors?
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Related questions

What is the part of the eye that contains light receptors?

Cells in the the retina called cones (for colour perception and in greatest numbers in the macula) and rods (for black and white).

Do cones belong in space figures?

if you mean ice-cream cones then i have no idea what you are talking about

What types of cones are there?

Ice cream cones, mathematical cones, frustums, traffic cones, pine cones...

How are pollen cones and seed cones are different?

Seed cones (female cones) are much larger than pollen cones (male cones).

Is the Sequoia tree a pine tree?

Sequoia tree also belong to Coniferales like Pine tree hence both have cones as reproductive structures.

Are redwood trees conifers?

No, redwoods are in the Pacific Northwest and are HUGE!!.Oak trees are smaller

What develops into cones?

Volcanoes can form cones. Pine trees have their seeds in cones.

What is difference between seed cones and pollen cones?

Pollen cones are the male pollen-producing cones, and seed cones are the female seed-producing cones in conifer trees.Seed cones are gymnosperms, which means the seeds are not enclosed within an ovary (in Greek, gymno is naked).

Why do conifers need 2 types of cones to form seeds?

because some of the cones are male cones, and some of the cones are female cones. the male cones produce the pollen and sperm, and the female seeds contain the seeds.

Is there pollen cones and seed cones on the same trees?

Yes, in case of Pinus pollen producing cones (male cones) and seed producing cones (female cones) are present on the same plant. Such plants are called monoecious.

What cones have megasporangia?

female cones

How are cyclinders and cones different?

Cones are pointed.