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The atoms of Group 17 elements must gain one electron in order to become stable.

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12y ago

The Halogens, they have a full valence electron shell.

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Q: Which group in the periodic table would need only 1 electron to be stable?
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How would you find valence electrons in a periodic table?

the group number of the periodic table shows the valence electron. such as :- sodium is placed in group 1 and have valence electron.

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noble elements are the stable elements. They are found in group 18 in the periodic table.

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The noble gases have a stable electron arrangement and so do not need to react to achieve stability

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Group-17 in the periodic table gains electron most readily. The elements in this group require only one electron to complete its octet.

Which group on the periodic table will gain an electron in reaction?

group 17 - the halogens

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How many valence electrons are contained in an atom of Rb?

1: This is the correct answer for any element in wide form Periodic Table Group 1.

What is group one on the periodic table?

group #1 on the periodic table is called alkali metals, has one valence electron, and is the most active metal group.