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sants merie and Nina

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Q: What one significant thing that happened to the ships on the first voyage of columbuses?
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What was one thing that took place in christopher columbuses first voyage?

he was denied by King Henry!

Was that the first voyage of the Titanic when that tragic accident happened?

Yes, the first and only voyage.

What happened in the first voyage of Pizarro?

he got sick

What happened on Francisco Pizarro's first voyage?

I do not now so go away

When did the first voyage happen?

it happened in the 14 hundreds but i don know the rest that is why i am asking these people

When Henery and Evelen met it was a significant first what happened?

it was "Hevenly"

What happened during Jacques cartier's first voyage?

i don't know.. but someone write this i need it for my project!

What was significant about the Magellan?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What was significant about the Magellane expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What significant about Magellan expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What was significant about Magellan expedition?

In 1522 the last ship of the voyage of Magellan arrived back in Spain, they were the first to sail around the world.

What was Francis Drake's first voyage?

his first voyage was to