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Q: What onomatopoeia sound would you write when you hit a baseball?
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How would you write the sound for a sigh in onomatopoeia?

The sound of a sigh in onomatopoeia could be represented as "sighhh" or "ahh."

How do you write an onomatopoeia?

You could listen to the sound, and write out what it sounds like to you.

What is a onomatopoeia for a phone?

Rrrrrring! Bbbrrrring! Onomatopeoeia is basically making a sound into a word that when said, would resemble the sound. So for any onomatopoeia, just write something that sounds like the sound when you say it!

How do you write the sound of a gun?

Bang or Boom or Pow Use your imagination and onomatopoeia!

How do you write a sentence with onomatopoeia in it?

To write a sentence with onomatopoeia, include words that sound like the noise they represent. For example, "The kettle whistled as it boiled." In this sentence, "whistled" is an onomatopoeic word mimicking the sound of the kettle.

How do you write an example of onomatopoeia?

An onomatopoeia is a word that imitates a sound. There are many possible examples, such as bzz, bang, pow, fizz, and ka-boom!

How is Onomatopoeia used to write words you might use to describe the sound of the wind?


What is a example of a onomatopoeia?

The constant repetition of a letter to illustrate a sound. For example if you wanted to write down the sound of a telephone ring: "BBBBRRRIINNGG!!"

What onomatopoeia sound would you write when dribbling a basketball?

boing, bomp, donka;donka;donka, bewm, just some that I imagine when I hear a basketball dribble.

How would you write snuff in onomatopoeia?

snap crunch crackle

What is an examples of a onomatopoeia?

Onomatopoeia refers to words that sound like the sounds they describe. Tintinnabulation is the ringing of bells. Others are: purr flutter clang screech gurgle whoosh splash crackle

How do you write a onomatopoeia with the word phone?

Phone Isn't onomatopoeia!