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Q: What oranelle is responspile for photosnyinshis?
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In a cell, it is the mitochondria (also known as mitochondrion) that conducts cellular respiration.

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What oranelle is the power house?

Which organelle is the powerhouse of the cell?The question is asking, "how does the cell get energy?"The cell gets its energy from the mitochondria(mitochondrion).

What oranelle does photosythesise occur?

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts in plant cells. Only plants do photosynthesis so other organisms don't have chloroplasts as sources of energy, they have mitochondria to get their energy. <not true. some bacteria also have chloroplasts and are able to go through photosynthesis. mleh. :P

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The nucleus is the control center of a cell as such it is the most important part of the cell. The control arises from the genetic information stored in the nucleus. Genes are made of the nucleic acid DNA. Hundreds of genes are linked together into enormous molecules called chromosomes (chromatin). Genes can be switched on or off and are indirectly responsible for making proteins which do the work of the cell.