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I know the order of the planets going from near the sun to farther away, it is...

Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto. An easy way to remember this is...

Many Vile Earthlings Munch Jam Sandwiches Under Newspaper Piles!!!!

You relate each letter for the start of a word with a planes, for example, Piles=Pluto and Jam=Jupiter! Simple! I hope I helped you!

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Q: What order are the planets and bodies moving away from the sun?
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the force that tends to make a moving bodies fly away to the center of rotation

What is the force that tends to make moving bodies fly away from the center of rotation?

The force that tends to make moving bodies fly away from the center of rotation is called centrifugal force. It is a pseudo-force experienced by objects in a rotating reference frame that appears to push objects outward from the center of rotation.

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Is the earth the second planet away from the sun?

I'm not sure what you mean, but the order of the planets, moving out from the Sun, is: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

How are outer planets different from smaller planets?

They are bigger because the Outer Planets had less gas and dust taken away from them when the solar system was forming. The Inner planets were closer to the sun, so the sun took more gas and dust away from those bodies, but didn't take away from the Outer bodies.

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The order of the outer planets, from closet to the sun to furthest away from the sun, is Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, then Neptune.

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You can not get a disorder. you have to be born with it.

What is the eight plant moving away from the sun?

Starting nearest to The Sun and moving outwards the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

How many planets away from the earth is the moon?

No planets away.

What is the order of the planets of longest year?

The order of the planets by longest year is the normal order (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune). The farther away a planet's orbit is from the Sun, the longer the year.

How does the sun hold the planets in orbit?

The sun's gravitational pull is what keeps planets in orbit around it. This pull, combined with the planets' motion, creates a balance between the centripetal force pulling the planets towards the sun and their inertia carrying them forward, resulting in stable orbits.

What year did Edward Hubble hypothesize that planets and stars are still moving far away from each other?

First, this is not about planets and stars, but about entire galaxies and galaxy clusters.Also, the term "still" is not appropriate. The discoveries by Hubble and others showed that galaxies move away from one another in the first place. Also, he did not "hypothesize" this; what Hubble did is to collect observational evidence, and make some statistics.