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The North-West Ordinance

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Q: What ordinance created a system of governing in the new Northwest Territory?
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What wa the northwest ordinance?

An act of the continental congress establishing the method of governing the Northwest Territory.

Why was the land of ordinance of 1785 important?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 was important because it created the Northwest Territory. President Washington signed the ordinance on August 7, 1789.

Why was the northwest of the 1787 enacted?

The Northwest Ordinance, also known as The Ordinance of 1787, was passed into law on July 13,1787. It was enacted when the Northwest Territoy was created to make it a legal territory.

Northwest ordiance of 1787?

It established the process for how the U.S. would expand westward.

What issue did the northwest ordinance decide?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 organized the territory north of the Ohio river and provided guidelines for all new states to enter the Union.Read more: What_issuse_did_the_Northwest_Ordinance_settle

What piece of legislation created the basic unit of settlement in the territory north of the Ohio river?

NorthWest Ordinance

What area did the northwest ordiance create?

The Northwest ordinance was an agreement that in the territories to the Northwest would not have any slavery. The Mason Dixon line was also created, it was a line that separated the North from the South just above Maryland. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 claimed that new slaves could not be in the territory above this line.

What provided a plan for the government western territories?

The Northwest Ordinance was an act that went into effect in 1785 that dealt with governing the western territories. Congress created a committee in 1783 to deal with the western territories and the Northwest Ordinance was born out of this.

According to the northwest Ordinance of 1787 how could the territory become a state?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 said that territories could become a state once they had reached a population of 60,000 people. The first state created from this ordinance was Ohio, in 1803.

What was the purpose of the land ordinance of 1785 and the northwest ordinance of 1787?

The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Land Ordinance provided that the acreage of the Old Northwest should be sold and that the proceeds should be used to help pay off the national debt.

What long term effect did the Northwest Ordinance have on the settlement of the Great Lakes region?

The primary effect of the ordinance was; creation of the Northwest Territory as the first organized territory of United States out of the region south of Great Lakes, north and west of Ohio River, and east of Mississippi River.

Why did congress pass the northwest ordinance of 1787?

The Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, defined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original 13 states. to help new states join the union (gradpoint)