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Q: What organ does antifreeze poisoning effect the most?
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Lead poisoning is a very serious illness that can result in damage to almost all of the major organ systems. If it is not treated, lead poisoning can result in death.

Can 5050 antifreeze be used in a 1994 dodge shadow?

Yes 50/50 antifreeze is the most recommend antifreeze from most vehicle manufacturers.

What is the most common side effect seen in drowning and poisoning victims?

u cant make any more red blood cells

What is the effect of parasites in food handling?

The most common effect is an awful case of food poisoning or sometimes you can catch a parasite we all know as pin worms or tape worm. Very nasty stuff!!

What organ is damaged the most from smoking on a short term basis?

I think it would effect your lungs because you inhale the smoke

What type of antifreeze for a 2001 mits eclipse?

The type of antifreeze to use for a 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse is one that is mixed 50/50. Most antifreeze brands will work. The Prestone brand of antifreeze is probably the most expensive.

What is effect food position on youngester?

Food poisoning can affect different ways depending on the person. Most common food poisoning symptoms in both adults and children are been nausea, vomiting, having diarrhea, cramps and having a fever.

A substance commonly used in antifreeze?

The most commonly used antifreeze is the ethylene glycol.

Can cats drink antifreeze?

No, they definitely cannot. Antifreeze is a very toxic substance to all animals. You should take extensive precautions to ensure that your cat cannot get to any antifreeze, and you most definitely should not intentionally give it to a cat.

What is the most common method of poisoning?

The most common method of poisoning is arsenic, because it is water soluble and tasteless.

How is chronic chemical poisoning treated by alternative medicine?

A healthy diet, nutritional supplements and/or detoxification therapy are also helpful. Detoxification therapy is especially effective for the liver, which is the organ that metabolizes most toxins.