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The gall bladder

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6mo ago

If the liver is damaged, it can cause a condition called bile reflux, which can lead to green-colored vomit. This occurs when bile, which is a greenish fluid produced by the liver, flows back into the stomach and is subsequently expelled during vomiting.

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Q: What organ if damaged would make emesis green?
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If you look up Emesis on Wiki it gives a good summation. The short answer is a few parts, but if you are looking for where it begins I would say the Area Postrema, which has the chemoreceptors that sense toxins and whatnot to begin the process of emesis. GL with your research.

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It depends on what term you mean. the brain is effected on a short term basis, but drinking too much can severly damage it. your kidneys and liver are also damaged but i would say your liver is most altereed and damaged by alchol

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How would the health of an animal be affected if disease damaged an organ that informed it about environmental change?

The damage of the organ would be too great! The amount of nutrition needed for the animal to survive would be cut short! Soon the animal will grow too weak, and will faint. Or the organ that is poisened could explode, leaving toxic liquids in the animal's body, killing it!