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Q: What organ secretes gastric juices and is located between the esophagus and small intestine?
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What produces digestive juices released into small intestine?

The pancreas secretes juices into the small intestine!

What organ secretes the gastric juices?

The stomach contains gastric acids to help break down foods.

How does food get broken down into useable energy?

It goes down the esophagus and into the stomach, the gastric acid breaks it down and sends it off the the small intestine. In the small intestine it is broken down into it's final component. It is then stored in the liver for energy.

Does the small intestine contain gastric pits?

Gastric pits are located in the stomach.

What part of the digestive system secretes digestive juices?

Well, the stomach secretes gastric juices, a mixture of HydroChloric Acid and Pepsic.

Where does gastric juices break up proteins and other molecules?

Food passes from the Mouth to the Pharynx to the Esophagus and then to the stomach, where gastric juices break up proteins and other molecules. From the Stomach, food passes to the Small intestine, where nutrients are absorbed into the body`s bloodstream. Creative Biogene

What is added to food in the small intestine?

gastric acid

What structure secretes saliva gastric juices and other substances used in digestion?


What gland is found in the mucosa of the small intestine and produces intestinal juice?

The gastric glands produce intestinal juice. Gastric glands are found in the mucosa of the small intestine, where it pours these juices into the small intestines to dissolve fibrin and emulsify fats.

The mixture of gastric juices and food that enters the small intestine?


Which part release gastric juice to aid digestion?

Large intestine

Is heartburn and gastritis the same?

They may overlap, but they are not the same. Heartburn is gastric reflux into the esophagus. Gastritis is a generalized term for any type of inflammation ("itis") from the esophagus to the anus (the "gastric" track). There can be any number of causes. "Gastritis" is generalized, heartburn is specific.