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Q: What organelle command all cell functions?
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What organelle manages or control all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell?


Organelle that manages cell functions in eukaryotic cell?

All cell functions are managed from the nucleus as this is where the code of life, DNA, is kept.

What organelle that manages or controls all the cell functions in a eukaryotic cell?

the nucleus.

What organelle controls all functions within a cell?

It is done by nucleus.It is the controlling centre of cell.

What organelle controls all cell functions in a eukaryotic cell?

Most functions of a eukaryotic cell are controlled by the cell's nucleus. This is because the nucleus contains the cells DNA.

What is the command center of your cells?

The nucleus, which contains the genetic material which decides all the actions of the cell, can be considered the command center of the cell

What is an organelle how does its structure affect its function?

an organelle is a small cell structure that carries out a function within the cell. I believe that the function is determined by the shape and size of it because the organelle needs to be a certain size to carry out all of the functions that need to be preformed.

What organelle directs all cellular activities?

The nucleus directs all the functions of a cell by means of DNA, which controls protein synthesis.

What is the group of structures perform all of the various functions in the cell?

A structure in a cell that performs a function is called an organelle. All the organelles work together to help the cell survive.

What organelle does one expect to be absent in human skeletal muscle cells?

Skeletal muscles, as do numerous other cell types, have their own 'individual' functions, but on a intracellular basis they are all uniform in their general functions. Each organelle has a specific, crucial cellular function that transcends cell type and as such must be necessarily present in all cell types, I think.

What is the primary organelle used for storing information in a cell?

nucleus. the nucleus has DNA the DNA codes for all cellular functions.

What organelle controls all cellular functions?

The nucleus.