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The organelle is the chloroplast.

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Q: What organelle coverts light energy in chemical energy?
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What is a double membrane organelle that captures light energy and converts it to chemical energy through photosynthesis?

A chloroplast is a cell organelle that is responsible for converting light energy into chemical energy.

What organelle converts light energy to the chemical energy in the cell?

The chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy in a photosynthetic cell, such as a plant cell or algal cell.

The only cell organelle that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

CHLOROPLASTS trap light energy and convert it into the chemical bond energy of sugar.

What of the following is the only cell organelle that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

The chloroplast.

What plant organelle converts light into sugar?

Chloroplast converts light energy into chemical energy.Process is called photosynthesis.

What are the organelles found in plant cells where light is converted into chemical energy?

that organelle is chloroplast

Which organelle in the following list carries out photosynthesis converting light to chemical energy?


How do solar cell support the need for energy?

The solar cell coverts the sun light into energy/electricity

Which organelle is called energy trapping organelle why it is so called?

An energy trapping organelle in a plant would be the chloroplast because it traps light energy for light dependent reactions in photosynthesis to generate ATP( Adenosine Tri-phosphate) and NADPH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), sources of chemical energy for all organisms.

What is the only cell organelles that is capable of converting light energy into chemical energy?

Chloroplast is the only cell organelle capable of photosynthesis. This process give the plants the status of autotrophs.

What is an energy converting organelle found in plants and algae cell?

Chloroplast containing pigments that can absorb light and convert this energy into a chemical form, through photosynthesis and the Calvin cycle.

What is the organelle that is light and chemical energies transformed?

chloroplastand mitochondrion