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the mitochondria

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Q: What organelle in the cell carries out cellular respiration?
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What is the cell organelle for cellular respiration?

Cell respiration occurs in the mitochondria.

Where does cellular respiration occur and in what organelle?

Cellular respiration starts in the cytoplasm of the cell, and then enters the mitochondria.

What organelle in the cell do cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is conducted in the mitochondria of the cell.

In what cell organelle does cellular respiration take place?

the mitochondria

Cellular respiration is an example of?

It is a catabolic process.It is also a exogonic process

What organelles are used in the cell for cellular respiration?


Which part of a cell provides the energy that the other parts need to carry out their functions?

The mitochondria is the cell organelle that carries out the process of cellular respiration, which creates energy for the cell. The mitochondria is commonly called the "powerhouse" of the cell.

What organelle is called the powerhouse of the cell because of its role in cellular respiration?

The mitochondria.

What organelle is the primary focus of cellular respiration?

The mitochondria is where two important steps, the Kreb's cycle and oxidative phosphorylation, of cellular respiration take place. This organelle is central in respiration and is often called "the powerhouse" of the cell.

What organelle makes most of a cells ATP energy through cellular respiration?

Mitochondria are responsible for cellular respiration.

Is the mitochondria the cell organelle that is the site of cellular respiration?

That it is. But mitochondria is the plural. Mitochondrion is the singular.

In which organelle does aerobic cellular respiration occur?

Aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of the cell. This process involves breaking down glucose to produce ATP, which is the main energy source for the cell.