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Most grass cells are the same as any other plant cell, so if you know what's in a plant cell, then a grass cell is basically the same thing. Anything in the protein production line, mitochondria, and the cell transport/cleanup crew are all found.

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Q: What organelle other than chloroplasts are found in grass cells?
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Is grass cells a plant cell or an animal cell?

a plant cell because grass grass is a plant it is green and it has chlorophyll it is an angiosperm. so yea its a plant cell . Wait a minute who would ask such a crazy question an animal where do u see an animal named grass and its not green

What structures are most associated with plant cells?

1. Chloroplasts. Animal cells do not have these. They help the plant to photosynthesize. (Chloroplasts can also be found in some algae, which are protists.) Chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts contains pigments which reflect light in the green spectrum, giving leaves/grass etc. their green color. 2. A cell wall. This is another thing animal cells don't have. The cell wall is a thicker layer enclosing the cell membrane. They allow the plant cell to absorb a lot of water without bursting.

What structures are associated with plant cell?

1. Chloroplasts. Animal cells do not have these. They help the plant to photosynthesize. (Chloroplasts can also be found in some algae, which are protists.) Chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts contains pigments which reflect light in the green spectrum, giving leaves/grass etc. their green color. 2. A cell wall. This is another thing animal cells don't have. The cell wall is a thicker layer enclosing the cell membrane. They allow the plant cell to absorb a lot of water without bursting.

How does grass under go photosynthesis?

rays of sunlight hit the green pigments in the chloroplasts in the cells of the plants and the sunlight is converted to energy which is used to produce sugars that the plants will use as food.

What is an adaptation that allows savanna grass to survive in a tropical savanna?

Grass in the savanna is very bitter and sharp which often puts animals off eating it. Also in the wet season the grass is green and grows very fast. However when it is the dry season the grass turns brown and the chloroplasts inside the plant cells are pulled down towards the roots of the grass. This helps to reduce the grass' water loss.

Is grass made up of cells?

No, grass is a multicellular organism.

How do cows eat grass with cells?

Grass has cells. Cows have cells. So I don't know what you are getting at by asking such an awkward question...

Why is the grass green not purple?

Grass is a plant. Plants are made of plant cells. Plant cells have chlorophyll in them. Chlorophyll is the GREEN pigment in plant cells, so it makes the grass green.

Why grasses perish under shade?

All green plants have a a organelle (a little organ) called chloroplasts. These chloroplasts contain chlorophyll which react with sunlight in a process called photosynthesis where by a plant makes sugar (glucose) for energy the process is as follows:carbon dioxide and water--turns in to (with the aid of sunlight and chlorophyll)--oxygen and glucoseSo if grass (or any green plant) does not get enough sunlight it can not make energy for itself and shall perish.

Is grass made of cells?


What shape is the grass cell?

Like all plant cells, a grass cell is rectangular. Animal cells are rounder. However, they both have the same contents.

What type of grass is found in the ocean?

Sea Grass.