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The nucleus houses the DNA that contains the majority of a eukaryotic genome in the form of chromosomes. Prokaryotes do not have a nucleus. It should be noted, however, that eukaryotes also have DNA in mitochrondria, which are thought to be prokaryotes that were engulfed, DNA and all, at some point during evolution.

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Q: What organelle physically isolates DNA?
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Is DNA An organelle?

No. DNA is store in the nucleus which is an organelle but the DNA specifically is not considered an organelle

Is DNA considered an organelle?

gene is not an organelle but is a fragment of DNA with a specific expression or product in cell funtion

What membrane isolates DNA in a eukaryotic cell?

The nuclear membrane

N eukaryotic cells which organelle contains the DNA?

In eukaryotic cells which organelle contains DNA?

What is the name of an organelle that contains a cell's DNA?

The nucleus is the organelle that contains the cells DNA.

What organelle of the cell and what structures in that organelle contains DNA?

In a multicellular organism, the Nucleus contains the DNA but in unicellular beings, the DNA just floats in it.

What organelle contains DNA from the organisms mother?

Mitochondria. Technically, the nucleus also is an organelle that also contains DNA from the mother.

This organelle contain our dna with all our genetic information?

The organelle that contains our DNA with all of our genetic information is the nucleus.

What organelle copies DNA?

DNA is copied by proteins in the nucleus, which is not technically considered to be an organelle. DNA never leaves the nucleus, so it never interacts with the organelles.

What organelle is DNA Associated with?


What organelle also stores DNA?

The nucleus contains most of the DNA in a cell and this DNA is called the chromosomal DNA. It is separated from the rest of the cell by a double layer of membrane. The mitochondria also contain DNA, called the mitochondrial DNA.

What is the only organelle that has its own DNA that you can only get from your mom?

Mitochondria are the organelle that have their own DNA, which is inherited through the maternal line (from mother to child).