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Q: What organelles can you only find in the plant cell?
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What cell organelles are found in only plant cells?

Chloroplasts are only found in plant cells.

What organelles does animal cell have that a plant cell doesn't?

A Plant cell has a cell wall, whereas an Animal cell has only a cell membrane, along with a cell wall, a plant cell also has an organelle that does the photosynthesis process, I just can't remember the organelles name.

What organelles are only found in plant cells and why?

mitchocondria and cell membrane

Is the chloroplast and cell wall part of an animal cell?

no those organelles are only part of a plant cell

What are organelles list the organelles in a plant or animal cell?

11 organelles are... endoplasmic reticulum gogli complex nucleus vacuole choroplast cell membrane cell wall mitochondria lysosome ribosome cell membrane cytoplasm all of these are in plant and animal cells except for cell wall and chloroplast, which are only in plant cells

Is a cell wall a organelles?

Yes but only some Prokaryotes have a cell wall and plant cells(Eukaryotes) have a plant cell. There are some animals that have a cell wall.

Plant and animal organelles that are not common between animals and plants cells?

Organelles can only come from plant or animal cells. Your welcome(: Vacoule , Cell Wall

What are the organelles of the cell?

The Cell Wall, Cell Membrane (plant cell only), Nucleus, DNA, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Vacuoles, Ribosomes, Golgi Complex, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Lysosomes, Chloroplast (plant cell only).

Are any organelles present in only plant cells?

Every cell has organelles. Prokaryotes were once thought to have no organelles but some have been found now. Eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles and prokaryotes do not.

What organelles are found only in your plant cell model and not in an animal cell?

In plant cell there found cell wall, and chloroplast there not found in animal cell because where not green and where not that strong ether

What organelles does a plant have that an animal cell doesn't?

Chloroplast ..cell wall ..cytoskeleton

What are the part of plant cell that cannot be found in animal cell?

The chloroplasts, central vacuole, and the call wall are all organelles found in only plant cells.