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Q: What organelles work with the rough er?
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What types of cells contain the organelles smooth ER and Rough ER in?

what cells have Rough ER and smooth ER

Which organelles are present both inside the nucleos and on the surface of the ER?

Ribosomes are found on the surface of the rough ER

Are the rough er and smooth er connected?

They're seperate organelles, but they are connected by a membrane separating the two.

Do prokaryotes have rough er?

No, they do not. Prokaryotic cells have no membrane-bound organelles such as rough endoplasmic reticulum. The 70s ribosomes found in prokaryotic cells are therefore free in the cytoplasm as opposed to attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

What are the same organelles in plants and animals?

Many organelles include mitochondria, rough ER, smooth ER, lysosome. peroxisome, Golgi apparatus. Both have similar nuclear structure.

What does endoplasmic do for the cell?

There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum (ER): rough ER and smooth ER. The smooth ER makes lipids and metabolizes carbohydrates. The rough ER is covered in ribosomes. It processes the proteins that are on the outside of cells and organelles and also the membranes for the cell.

What organelles is composed of two subunits and may be free in the cytosol or attached to rough ER?


What organelles helps a parenchyma cell to do its primary function?

ER (rough and smooth), Chloroplasts, and the nucleus because it controls all of the other organelles

What organelles can be either bound to the endoplasmic reticulum or free in the cytoplasm and they function in protein synthesis?

ribosomes. When in the endoplasticreticulum (ER) the ER is called rough ER. They also float freely in the cytoplasm. They are made of ribosomal RNA and work with mRNA and tRNA.

What organelles contribute to the growth of membranes in the cell?

Cellular activities are controlled by nucleus.Phospholipids are synthesized by rough ER.

What organelles are covered in ribosomes?

The organelles covered in ribosomes are the rough endoplasmic recitillium.

A cell that makes and secretes glycoproteins would need high quantities of which organelles?

Golgi Apparatus