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Q: What organisms make up the biological communities of the benthic realm?
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What name is given to the seafloor?

Benthic Realm

What name is given to the sea floor?

benthic realm

What is the realm of ecology?

Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment. It encompasses how living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, interact with each other and their surroundings. This includes studying topics such as ecosystems, biodiversity, and the relationships between different species.

What is the marine term for the ecologic realm where water is 4 degrees celsius?

The marine term for the ecologic realm where water is 4 degrees Celsius is "boreal zone." This temperature range characterizes the transition zone between the warmer temperate waters and the colder polar waters. The boreal zone is characterized by unique biodiversity adapted to the cooler temperatures.

Why am I not sensitive to the spirit realm?

The spiritual world consists on an gamma electromagnetic frequency, if you learn to adjust your gamma ion biological current flow you will be able to increase your awareness.

Who is a holy person in early communities?

In early communities, holy people often included religious leaders such as priests, prophets, or shamans who were believed to have a special connection to the divine. These individuals were seen as intermediaries between the community and the spiritual realm, providing guidance, performing religious rituals, and interpreting messages from the gods.

Is the sun realm a real realm?

No sun realm is not a official realm in WoW.

How do you spell realm?


Is the wizard101 test realm able to turn to normal realm?

The Wizard101 test realm isn't and doesn't turn into an actual realm. Everything you do in the test realm has no effect on your live realm account. Usually, after everything new in the test realm has been tested, they make it put it in the live game and close the test realm. :)

What was the common counsel of the realm?

he answer is realm

What is a realm in wizard101?

a realm is like a server.

Is this how you spell Realm?

You have spelled it correctly, realm.