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Organs used speaking include the lips, teeth, tongue, hard palate, soft palate, uvula and glottis.Some people consider the nose and lungs as well.

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Q: What organs can be used in speaking?
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Organs that are not used for their original purpose!Vestigial organs.

Is speaking a noun or a verb?

If the term "speaking" was used in a example as "Someone is speaking right now.", then it is used as a verb because the "Someone" that was used as a example in the sentence was doing something and that something was speaking. But in the terms of "speaking", as used in the folowing sentence, "The Abraham Lincoln's speaking was very clear on what he had to say.", then it is used as a noun because the speaking is used as Abrahams and verbs are not able to be owned. But mostly, it is used as a verb rather than a noun.

What is a commonly used word you use in everyday speaking?

The word I, is used commonly, when speaking.

Do frogs have internal organs?

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What were buffalo organs used for?

The organs of a buffalo was used for medicine bags, water container, pouches, and containers for water and for cooking.

What was buffalo organs used for?

The organs of a buffalo was used for medicine bags, water container, pouches, and containers for water and for cooking.

What was Hebrew originally used for?

Hebrew was originally used for speaking and communicating. It still is used for that.

Which organs are used to think?

Your brain!