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Q: What organs protect in heart?
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What organs do the rib protect?

The heart and lungs.

Which vital organs do the rib cage protect?

The ribs protect the lungs, heart, intestines, most of your valuable organs, livers and such.

The bones around your chest that protect organs such as the heart are called what?

There are several bones: ribs (24), sternum, thoracic vertebrae that protect the heart and the lungs and several other organs.

What are the bones around the chest that protect organs such as the heart called?

There are several bones: ribs (24), sternum, thoracic vertebrae that protect the heart and the lungs and several other organs.

Which bone protects your heart?

Your ribs are the bones that protect your heart.

What is the purpose of having ribs?

to protect interior organs

What to human ribs protect?

Internal organs such as the lungs and heart.

Who are the organs directly attached to you and what are their jobs?

Lungs.It is to protect your heart.

What bones protects heart?

The breastbone or sternum protect the heart. The ribs also help protect the organs in the chest including the lungs.

What do ribs do?

They contain and support the lungs, and (along with the sternum, or breastbone) provide additional structural protection for the heart and other organs.

What organs does a frog's sternum protect?

Lung, liver, stomach, small intestine, heart

What organs do skeletons protect?

Your skeleton gives shape to your body, only the ribs protect the organs such as the heart, lungs, diaphragm and your skull protects your brain.