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Q: What animal live near the tiger sharks?
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What is the habitat of a tiger shark?

Tiger sharks are usually found near temerate and tropical seas.

What waters do tiger sharks live in?

The tiger shark lives in the indian,pacific oceans and near hawi.

Where do Sand Tiger Sharks Live?

"Tiger sharks of course live in salt water because all the seas have salt water in them all sharks live in the salt water so there you have it."-------actually no, bull sharks can live up to four years in freshwater I'm not so sure about the tiger shark though, do some research Google it and you'll get your answer,but don't worry most shark attacks happen in oceans but some sharks do swim up from the Mississippi river and go into some rivers and lakes.yes they do

Do sharks live in the near shore shone?

Yes. Some sharks will be seen near shore. Bull sharks, for example, are often found in shallows.

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Where do sharks live like in Hawaii or near California?

Sharks live in every ocean even the Artic Ocean but enjoy the warmer waters near Hawaii and California which is why they are more commonly live there.

What types of shark can be found near Barbados?

lots of sharks can be found near Barbados. There have been alot of recorded attacks. I would suggest not venturing to far out at sea. here are a few types of sharks Great white shark Bull shark Tiger shark Carrabean reef shark Smooth hammerhead sharks and many more

Do leopard sharks live near Alaska?

No they are warm water sharks found from Oregon south.

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When are tiger sharks most active?

They are most active near dawn in shallow waters, because this is usually when they hunt

Where do whale sharks live?

Whale sharks live in all seas that are tropical or warm-temperate.Generally whale sharks range no further south than South America and no further north than the United States. They prefer warmer waters near the equator.== Whale sharks live in warm waters near the equator, both along the coast and in the open seas. They spend most of their time near the surface.