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Mrs mary mack mack mack al dressed in black black black with sliver buttons buttons buttons all down her back back back she asked her mother mother for 50c c c to see the elephants elephants elephants jump over the fence fence fence they jumped to high high high they touched the sky sky sky and didnt come back back back to the fourth of july july july. This is a great example of a limerick poem

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5 lines in a limerick (type of poem...)

What is the difference between an ode poem and a limerick poem?

An ode is a long poem. A limerick is always 5 lines with a particular rhyming scheme (AABBA).

What is a five-line poem that consists of 13 beats?

A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of beats.

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What makes the poem a flea and a fly in a flue a limerick?

A limerick is a form of poetry with five lines, where lines one, two, and five rhyme with each other, and lines three and four also rhyme with each other. The poem "A flea and a fly in a flue" fits this pattern with its AABBA rhyme scheme, making it a limerick.

What city in Ireland is also the name to a poem?

Dublin is a city in Ireland and also the title of a famous poem by Louis MacNeice. The poem reflects the poet's complex feelings towards his birthplace.

What is a good sentence for the word limerick?

"The poet entertained the crowd with a hilarious limerick about a mischievous leprechaun."

Can a limerick be creative writing?

A limerick is definitely creative writing because it is a kind of poem.

What poem has the pattern aabba?

A well-known poem that has the aabba rhyme scheme is "The limerick" by Edward Lear. This type of poem consists of five lines, where the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have a different rhyme from the third and fourth lines.

What are some examples of poem?

Well there are many such as a Haiku (Japan), Limerick(Irish) Freestyle, and many others.

What is the pattern in a limerick poem?
