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Q: What other force is responsilbe for shaping iceland?
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What other city's are there in Iceland?

Reykjavík is the only city in Iceland.

Does Iceland have plains?

Yes Iceland does have plains like any other nation

Why is there no vegetation on Iceland?

Iceland actually has quite a bit of vegetation. Greenland on the other hand has a lot less vegetation than Iceland.

What role does gravity play in forming galaxies?

Everything. Without it there wouldn't be any galaxies. And no other force seems to have much effect, although electromagnetism may have early effects in shaping the "arms".

Does Iceland's president have more power than Iceland's prime minister?

No, the other way around

What do rich people eat in Iceland?

same as any other civilian in iceland. food, groceries

Why does Iceland like fish?

Iceland's major export is fish because there are hardly any other large resources.

Is it illegal to have a dog in Iceland?

It is not illegal to have a dog in Iceland, but the rules about owning them are quite strict compared to other countries.

Is France next to Iceland?

France and Iceland aren't really close to each other. They are both part of Europe, but Iceland is an island in the Atlantic Ocean while France is on the mainland.

What minerals and other natural resources does Iceland have?


What are Iceland's major religions?

About 85% of Iceland is Evangelical Lutheran. The other more common ones are Protestant and Roman Catholic.

Are Hawaii and Iceland near each other?

iceland is in the northern Atlantic ocean. Hawaii is located in the mid-pacific. they are about 10,800 miles apart, no they are not near each other.