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Q: What other function do the root serve aside from adsorbing nutrients and water?
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Aside from absorbing water and nutrients what are the other functiun of roots?

Support for the stem (weight of the plant).

What are the other function of the roots serve?

water , nutrients and oxygen

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How Aside from absorbing water and nutrients what other functions do how the root serve?

It serves as an anchor to hold the plant in place.

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what other functions does roots serves aside from absorbing water and nutrients

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Aside from absorbing water and nutrients what other function do the roots?

Besides absorbing nutrients and water, roots anchor the plant in the ground. This is especially important for large trees, but is needed by all plants. In addition, roots help to hold the soil in place, which prevents erosion. This is one reason forests should not be clear-cut and slopes need to have plants on them instead of being left bare.

What are the importance of vegetation?

The importance of vegetables is that they provide us with vitamins and other nutrients that help to properly function the body.