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Q: What other names did the goddess Diana have?
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What are other names for the goddess Artemis?

Another name for Artemis is Diana. Diana is Roman, while Artemis is Greek. She was also referred to as Cynthia or Phoebe (but there is a Titan named that).

What was the goddess Diana's last name?

The Roman goddess, Diana's last name, more often then not depended upon where she was being worshiped and what those people more often then not believed she was goddess of - these 'last names' are called epithets.

What was goddess Diana goddess of?

diana/artemis was goddess of the hunt and twin to apollo.

Did anyone ever have a crush on the Greek goddess Diana?

Diana is a Roman Goddess. Diana is also a virgin goddess.

Who are the children of the goddess Diana?

Diana had no children, she was a virgin goddess.

Who is the god and goddess of the wiccan religion and what are their abilities and sacred animals?

The God and Goddess of Wicca are known by many names. The God symbolizes the Sun, Forest, Huntingand wild Animales. Herne, Cernunnous are some names for the God. The Goddess symbolizes the Moon, Ocean, Earthand Furtility. Diana, Artemis are some names for the Goddess. The God is visualized as with antlers (not horns)like an antelope has. An antelope is an animale of God. The Goddess Diana has a companion a Dog. Diana has a daughter Aradia. Artemis is sometimes sculpted with an antelope.

How many kids did goddess Diana have?

The Roman goddess Diana had no kids. She was a virgin goddess.

How many kids does Diana the Roman goddess have?

The Roman goddess Diana had no kids. She was a virgin goddess.

Who was the goddess Diana the mother of?

The Roman goddess Diana was the mother of no one, since she was a virgin goddess.

Did the goddess Diana have a kid?

No, the Roman goddess Diana did not have any children. She swore to be a virgin goddess.

Who is the goddess Diana's husband?

Diana was a virgin goddess, so she had no husband.

How is the goddess Diana remembered?

Diana is the virgin goddess of wild and the hunt.