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The Quagga, Equus quagga quagga, is not anctually an individual species, but a subspecies of the Plains Zebra, Equus quagga.

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Why is the quagga called a quagga?

because all the other words were taken up

What animal have names that start with Q?

Quagga but it's extinct now!

What are some animals whose names begin with q?

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How heavy was the quagga?

The Quagga went extinct before much research could be done on it, but it was likely similar in size to other zebra

When was the first quagga discovered?

The first quagga foal of the Quagga Project was born on December 9, 1988. The Quagga Project in South Africa is an effort to re-breed the extinct quagga.

Is the Quagga related to the Okapi or the Zebra?

The Quagga was the first extinct animal to have it's DNA analyzed. The results have determined that the quagga was a subspecies of the plains zebra. The Okapi is more closely related to the giraffe than any other animal.

What is the ecological role of a quagga?

The quagga is a consumer.

What is the scientific name for quagga?

The scientific name for quagga is Equus quagga. It is a subspecies of plains zebra that was native to South Africa but became extinct in the late 19th century.

How big was the quagga?

The height of a Quagga was 52 inches.

What does quagga mean in Latin?

'Quagga' is not a word in Latin

When did the quagga die out?

The quagga was a subspecies of zebra that was native to South Africa. The last quagga died in Amsterdam in 1883.

How did the quagga look?

The quagga was a sub-species of the Plains Zebra. Unlike other zebras, with their full-body black and white stripes, the quagga was striped only on the front part of its body, with its hindquarters a solid, darker brown. The stripes on its head faded to a yellow-ish brown body and made for a creature with a very unique set of markings.