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blacks, women,homosexuals and comies

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Q: What other people went to Auschwitz?
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Was it possible to live near Auschwitz and not know what was happening there?

no, even if one never went out or talked to other people, there was still the smell, the clouds and the ash.

Are visitors allowed at Auschwitz?

I think you can because people at my school went in yr 12/13

How were death camps run in chronological order for the events?

what wer some events that went on in the death camps in auschwitz? what wer some events that went on in the death camps in auschwitz?

Who went to Auschwitz?

Jews, Jehovas whitnesses, homosexuals and gypsies.

Who went to Auschwitz camp?

Mostly Jews and Polish Jews

What camp did Eva galler was almost went to but she escped?


Where did Elie Wiesel move after Auschwitz?

They went to Buchenwald.

How many people died in Auschwitz camp 1?

About 190,000 people died in Auschwitz I.

How many people were held at Auschwitz Birkenau?

About 4.5 Million people were sent to Auschwitz.

How did Jews and other people die in Auschwitz?

Most died from the gas chambers or starvation.

How many people went into Auschwitz a day?

Well 6 Million People were sent to Auschwitz (Only 1/6 were actually killed So, Auschwitz was Operating from May 1940- January 1945 but most of the deportations happened between October 20th 1941- January 27th 1945, total of 1184 Days. 6,000,000/1,184= 5,068. So 5,068 people were sent to Auschwitz daily in Average. ___________________ 6 Million people were not sent to Auschwitz. creating averages over such a long and changing period does nothing to illuminate matters.

The amount of people who died in Auschwitz II?

According to a book about the numbers of people died at Auschwitz, atleast 4.25 Million people died in Auschwitz II (Birkenau).