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Q: What other planet has transit of the sun?
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What is it called when the moon amd the sun cross each other?

When the sun, a planet, and another body are lined up in a row, it is called inferior conjunction.From the other body, the planet's disc sometimes seems to move across the Sun's disc, and this is called a transit of that planet.

What is transit of Venus?

The passage of the planet Venus as it crosses in front of the sun, in opposition to the earth.

Which planet can transit the sun?

From our point of view, it can be only Mercury or Venus, because only orbits of those planets fit entirely between ours and the Sun. But anything and any planet orbiting the sun can pass in front of the sun depending on the location of the observer.

What is other name for the planet Jupiter?

5th Planet from the Sun.

What planet crosses between the sun and earth making it look like a black dot?

It could be either Venus or Mercury, when they are in transit.

When will the next solar transit occur?

A "transit" is sort of like an eclipse, in that another astronomical body crosses between the Earth and the Sun. But when the Moon does it, the Moon blocks out the entire Sun. In a "transit", the other body is so small, or so far away, that it doesn't block much of the light.The next "Transit of Venus" will occur on June 5, 2012. The last one was in June, 2004. There are generally two transits of Venus eight years apart, with the next pair occurring about 90 years later.The planet Mercury also passes between the Sun and the Earth occasionally; the next Transit of Mercury will be on May 9, 2016.Measuring the PRECISE times at which the other planet appears to touch the Sun provided invaluable information about the exact size and geometry of the Sun during the early observations. In 1769, the British Royal Observatory dispatched the legendary explorer Captain James Cook to travel halfway around the world to Tahiti, to measure the precise geometry of the solar system during the Transit of Venus.

How does the planet Neptune compare to the other planets with regard to the distance from the sun?

Neptune is the farthest planet in the Sun system.

Why doesn't Mars never make a transit of the sun?

Mars transits around the other side of the sun so we do not see it

What does planet Jupiter do?

planet jupiter orbits the sun like other planets

What is different about mercury then any other planet?

it is much hotter then any other planet! it is closets 2 da sun then any other planet........

What is the affect of the sun and Saturn?

it effects the sun because as that planet is the 6th planet in the solar system it does not get as mutch sun light as the 5 other planets

How does a planet move across the sun?

Only the two inner planets can move across the Sun. Mercury and Venus can pass between us and the Sun and we see a small black circle moving across the Sun's disk, which takes 3-4 hours, and that is a transit. The other planets go round behind us relative to the Sun and have an opposition instead.